Have you ever been on a road trip and got that sinking feeling you’ve forgotten something? Is the oven on? Garage door open? Lights on in the kitchen?

Never fear, our homes may soon be controllable from Las Vegas, the Washington Monument or from mom’s house in Florida.

A person holding a tablet in front of house depicting a smart house .Key Partners Property Management can provide property management for properties like this.Using smartphones, tablets or laptops you can now control some parts of your home remotely. That includes lights, thermostats, even the garage door. Remote control systems are becoming increasingly popular and are being installed in all manner of homes. And they’re not just for when you travel. They can control television and sound systems, heating and air conditioning, lights or security systems while you’re at home. Home automation is just around the corner.

Combined with energy wise appliances and common sense the smart home can be a real asset in convenience and cost-savings.

These systems are attractive to just about any homeowner and can be as small or large as you want. They’re especially easy to incorporate when building a home but they can also be added to existing spaces. It’s a bit more complicated but doable if you have the budget.

At the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show a non-profit organization called the Internet of Things Consortium discussed the future of the smart home. The consortium was created to facilitate the integration of hardware, software and service providers to grow the network-connected devices industries, including smart home technology.

Even light-bulbs are being developed with Wi Fi for controllability from various devices. Set top boxes will be wired to control every function and that box will be accessible from literally anywhere you can get a wireless signal.

So get ready to embrace the smart home. Now we’ll have another remote to lose in the couch cushions.